© School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong
學 刊 簡 介 About HKUJCS
《東方文化》自 1954 年起在香港大學創刊,為中英文雙語學刊。至今已陸續出版了五十餘卷,在香港及海外的亞洲研究學術領域享有盛名。學刊近年主要刊載關於中國和華語語系的語言、文學、歷史、哲學、宗教、翻譯學等人文學科論文及書評,尤其重視跨學科、新領域、新方法研究成果的發表。所刊載論文均經過匿名評審。
自 2022 年起,《東方文化》更名為《香港大學中文學報》,仍為半年刊,在此前辦刊宗旨和原則基礎上,增強與大中華地區漢語學術界的連接。新刊由宋剛博士擔任主編,有多位執行編輯負責相關領域的編輯工作。採取專題欄目組合的模式,每期刊載論文約6至8篇,欄目範圍包括中國語言、文學、史學、宗教、翻譯、性別研究、香港研究、中西交流研究、名家演講錄、書評及學術動態等。
The Journal of Oriental Studies (JOS) was first established in 1954 at the University of Hong Kong. It has been recognized as a leading bilingual academic journal in the field of Asian studies in Hong Kong and worldwide. Over the past decades, the JOS has published over 50 volumes, with academic articles and book reviews in Chinese and Sinophone studies involving such humanistic areas as language, literature, history, philosophy, religion, and translation. All articles published in the JOS are refereed.
Starting from 2022, the Journal of Oriental Studies will be renamed as HKU Journal of Chinese Studies (HKUJCS). While upholding the aims and principles of the JOS, the HKUJCS will further enhance its connections with Chinese academia in Greater China. Dr. Gang Song is the Chief Editor, and several Executive Editors are responsible for the submissions of respective fields. A multi-column pattern has been adopted, with 6 to 8 articles in each issue. The columns include Chinese language, literature, history, religion, translation studies, gender studies, Hong Kong studies, China-West studies, distinguished lecture series, and reviews and research news.