編 輯 委 員 會 Editorial Board
Landscape Sketches of Fung Ping Shan Building, HKU by Peter K.C. Leung © CPAO Multimedia, The University of Hong Kong
鄧佩玲 現任香港大學中文學院副教授。香港中文大學學士、哲學碩士、哲學博士。主要研究興趣為中國古文字學,專注於金文及楚簡的研究,其出版亦涉及與出土文獻相關的不同課題。
Pui Ling Tang is Associate Professor at the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong. She received her BA, MPhil, and PhD degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on Chinese paleography, with specialization in bronze inscriptions and Chu bamboo manuscripts. She has also published widely on topics related to excavated texts of early China.
鄧佩玲 博士
Dr. Pui Ling TANG
執行編輯 (中國古典文學)
Executive Editor
(Classical Chinese Literature)
宋剛 北京大學中國古代文學學士及碩士,南加州大學中國研究博士。現任香港大學中文學院副教授。研究側重在明清時期的基督教與中國文化,在中西文化交流史、漢學、明清歷史文化、儒學思想史、中國宗教等領域也有廣泛涉獵。
Gang Song received his BA and MA degrees in classical Chinese literature at the Peking University, and his doctoral degree in Chinese Studies at the University of Southern California. He is an Associate Professor at the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong. His recent research focuses on Christianity and Chinese culture in the early modern period. He also has broad interests in China-West cultural exchanges in history, Sinology, Ming-Qing history and Culture, Confucian intellectual history, and Chinese religions.
宋剛 博士
Dr. Gang SONG
主編 Chief Editor
朱銘堅 博士
Dr. Ming Kin CHU
執行編輯 (中國歷史文化)
Executive Editor
(Chinese History and Culture)
朱銘堅 現任香港大學中文學院副教授。在2017年加入中文學院之前,曾任香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院研究助理教授、香港樹仁大學歷史學系講師、英國倫敦大學國王學院和荷蘭萊頓大學博士後研究員。研究興趣包括五代、宋、元時期的歷史和中國史學史。
Ming Kin Chu is an Associate Professor in Chinese History and Culture in the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong. Before he joined the School in 2017, he had been a Research Assistant Professor in The Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology at Hong Kong Baptist University, a lecturer in the Department of History at Hong Kong Shue Yan University and a postdoctoral research associate at King’s College London and Leiden University. His research interests include political, educational, institutional, social and cultural history in Middle-period China (Five Dynasties, Song and Yuan) and Chinese historiography.

朱耀偉 香港中文大學哲學博士。現任香港大學香港研究課程教授及總監,香港人文學院院士。研究範圍包括香港文化、全球化及後殖民論述,著有專書三十餘種。
Stephen Yiu-Wai Chu (PhD, CUHK) is Professor and Director of Hong Kong Studies Programme, The University of Hong Kong, and Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Humanities. His research focuses on postcolonialism, globalization and Hong Kong culture. He has published more than 30 books.
朱耀偉 教授
Prof. Stephen Y.W. CHU
執行編輯 (香港研究)
Executive Editor
(Hong Kong Studies)

林姵吟 博士
Dr. Pei-yin LIN
執行編輯 (中國現當代文學)
林姵吟 倫敦大學亞非學院博士。現任香港大學中文學院副教授。曾任教於英國和新加坡,並獲選2015-16哈佛燕京訪問學者,2020年秋季荷蘭萊頓大學臺灣研究訪問講座教授。研究興趣為現當代華語文學和文化、冷戰下的東亞、跨文化及性別研究。
Pei-yin Lin obtained her PhD in East Asian Languages and Literature from SOAS, University of London. Her research fields include modern Sinophone literature and culture, cold war East Asia, as well as transcultural and gender studies. She has taught in England and Singapore, and was selected as the Harvard Yenching visiting scholar (2015-16) and Chair of Taiwan Studies at Leiden University in Fall semes, 2020, and is currently Associate Professor & Head of School of Chinse, The University of Hong Kong. She has published two monographs—Colonial Taiwan: Negotiating Identities and Modernity through Literature (Brill, 2017) and Gender and Ethnicity in Taiwanese Literature: Japanese Colonial Era to Present Day (National Taiwan University Press, 2021).
Executive Editor
(Modern & Contemporary
Chinese Literature)

米歐敏 現任香港大學中文學院教授。於劍橋大學獲得碩士學位,倫敦大學亞非學院獲得中國古代文學專業博士學位。研究興趣包括周代吳國與越國的歷史和文化,中國古代文學中關於后宮的文言小説,以及中國先秦與漢-唐時期的邊緣人群。
Olivia Milburn is currently Professor at the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong. She received her MA from Cambridge and PhD from SOAS, University of London. Her research focuses mainly on the history and culture of the ancient kingdoms of Wu and Yue, the development of the early Chinese novel, and the position of minorities and marginalized groups in early and medieval China.
米歐敏 教授
Prof. Olivia MILBURN
執行編輯 (中國古典文學)
Executive Editor
(Classical Chinese Literature)

宋耕 教授
Prof. Geng SONG
執行編輯 (翻譯研究)
Executive Editor
宋耕 現任香港大學中文學院教授兼翻譯課程總監。曾任教於新加坡及澳洲,並兼任上海大學客座教授,獲選2022/23年度美國國家人文中心研究員。主要研究方向為當代中國媒體與流行文化、性別研究、民族主義等。
Geng Song is currently Professor & Director of the Translation Programme of School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong. He taught in Singapore and Australia before joining HKU in 2012. He is an Affiliate Professor at Shanghai University, China, and was a Luce East Asia Fellow of the National Humanities Centre, USA in 2022/23. His research interests focus on media and popular culture in contemporary China, gender studies, nationalism, and more.
(Translation Studies)

余文章 博士
Dr. Isaac M.C. YUE
執行編輯 (翻譯研究)
Executive Editor
(Translation Studies)
余文章 2007年加入香港大學,現任中文學院副教授。主要教授翻譯、古典文學和中國神話等領域的課程。為《文學論衡》和《東方文化》的編委會成員。曾任英國倫敦大學訪問學人、臺灣大學訪問學人、史丹福大學訪問學人,研究側重翻譯研究、文化身份、東西文化交流(以十九世紀為主)、古典小說以及中華飲食文化與文學。
Isaac M.C. Yue joined the University of Hong Kong in 2007 and is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Chinese. He is interested in the relationship between literature and cultural identity in both a Chinese and western context. His approach is interdisciplinary and broad-based, often incorporative of topics of literature, history and cultural studies. He publishes in both Chinese and English, and is currently an editorial member of The Journal of Chinese Literary Studies (文學論衡) and Journal of Oriental Studies (東方文化). Besides his ongoing investigation on Chinese gastronomy and literary translation, he recently published Monstrosity and Chinese Cultural Identity: Xenophobia and the Reimagination of Foreignness in Vernacular Literature Since the Song Dynasty (Amherst, NY: Cambria, 2020).