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稿 須 知 Call for Papers



 (一) 本刊接納原創性研究,所有稿件以未曾刊載為限,不得一稿兩投。中文稿件須用繁體中文,存成Word


 (二) 論文在通過本刊責編初評後,方能進入外審程序,由本領域的專家按既定標準進行匿名評審。書評由


 (三) 文稿須提供中、英文標題、摘要(不超過250字)、關鍵詞(4至6個,以逗號分隔)。作者須在文稿末


 (四) 論文一般以15,000字為限,包括正文及註釋。書評通常在3,000字以內,無需加標題、摘要、章節標題


 (五) 論文採用腳注而非尾註,在文中順次標出。文後須列出參考書目,主要以作者姓氏的英文字母次序排序,        中文及非英文參考書應有英文翻譯。請參見本刊中文撰稿格式所附註釋及參考書目格式之實例。

 (六) 不合乎本刊格式及稿例要求的文章將被退回給作者修訂。

 (七) 在正式出版前,文章排校版通常以.pdf文件發給作者修訂。作者此時不宜作重大修改,須在指定時間內


General Principles


  • The Journal accepts a manuscript on the understanding that it represents original, unpublished work, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in MS Word format (.doc or .docx) to

  • Research articles, after the initial screening by the editors, receive external peer reviews in line with a set of standardized evaluation criteria. Book reviews are subject to the editors’ screening and reviews. Once an article or a book review has been accepted for publication, the copyright shall reside with the Journal

  • All manuscripts should include a title, abstract (maximum 250 words), and keywords (4 to 6, capitalize first letter of major words,  use comma to separate words) in both English and Chinese, together with the author’s full name, title, institution name, and email  address.

  • In general, a research article should not exceed 15,000 words, including the main text and footnotes. A book review is normally within 3,000 words, and there is no need to add the title, abstract, sub-headings, or footnotes.

  • Footnotes, not endnotes, should be used; they should be numbered consecutively throughout the work. Bibliography is required at the end of an article, primarily arranging the authors’ surnames in alphabetical order. See the examples listed in the webpage titled "STYLE SHEET (ENGLISH)" of this website for citation of references. Note that sources in Chinese or other non-English languages should be given English translations. Any article not following the format and style requirements will be returned to the author for correction.

  • Galley proofs will normally be sent to authors in .pdf format before publication. Corrections in proof should be kept to a minimum. These must be returned within two weeks of receipt by email. The editors will not proceed to publication without having received corrected proofs.

© School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong 

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